I don’t know what I am going to write.
Amused by the title? Don’t be. It means what it says. The title is not like us unfortunately.
It’s not a technical blog. You are obsessed with reading them and I writing them. The quarantine has already given you a plethora of blogs and webinars not to read and watch but listen. Whom? You.
What do you think I am doing right now? Writing? No, Listening. Whom? I.
What I want you to do right now? Nothing. You will not listen to me, I know. How many people have you listened after all? Only 1 at the end of the day. Whom? You.
Feeling like what the hell am I reading? It’s going well then. You are listening and asking. Whom? You.
This should end here. Hey, it never began but. What is the blog then all about? You.